28355 State Highway 88, Pioneer, CA 95666, United States of America
Initially used by Native American tribes as a trade route, the scenic California State Highway 88 gained prominence during the Gold Rush era as a passage for prospectors heading deep into the Sierra Nevada. Over time, it evolved from primitive trails to the Carson Pass Wagon Road in the 1860s and later became part of the Lincoln Highway in the early 20th century solidifying its importance as a key transportation route between the Central Valley and Lake Tahoe. Prior to the introduction of vehicles, watering holes were strategically “stationed” every 10 to 20 miles along the route so travelers and their horses could stop to rest and rehydrate. Black Station, along with our neighbors at Amador, Hams and Cooks Stations are the legacy of these vitally important outposts to the pioneering history of the area.
Highway 88 has since undergone continual improvements and upgrades to accommodate increasing traffic and enhance safety, preserving its significance as a prominent scenic and historic corridor through the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Today, it continues to serve as a vital link connecting the Bay Area and the nearby Sacremento Valley to the endless foothills and alpine landscapes of upper Amador County.
More information on the history of Amador County and State
Highway 88 can be found here:
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